Message from His Excellency Paulino José Macaringue

The Measures of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique in the context of the Prevention of COVID 19, announced by:



1.1. March 20th, 2020:


  •   announcement by HE the President of the creation of a Technical-Scientific Commission chaired by the Minister of Health, which includes professionals from different areas, namely clinics, public health, socio-economic sectors, anthropology, media, among others. This technical-scientific commission has been tasked to advise the Government in making decisions based on scientific evidence and supporting media communication actions;


  •   Suspension of the issuance of entry visas to Mozambique and cancelation of those already issued;
  •   Reinforcement of the mandatory 14-day home quarantine measures for all travelers;
  •     Determination of the closure of all public and private schools from pre-school to higher education;
  •     Suspension  of all social events and public gatherings with more than 50 people, such as celebrations, sports and cultural events, religious ceremonies, funerals, among others; exceptions are meetings of interest to the State complying with the prevention requirements issued by competent health authorities;
  • Imposition of the mandatory implementation of preventive measures by all public and private institutions, including commercial operators, to reduce the risk of contamination; and
  •   Reinforcement of surveillance measures to ensure the normal functioning of supply chains.


1.2. March 30th, 2020


  • Mandatory quarantine to all persons who have recently traveled abroad, or had contact with confirmed cases of COVID 19;
  •   Prohibition of  holding public and private events, religious services, cultural, recreational, sporting, political, associative, touristic and other activities, except urgent State or social related matters;
  •   Limitation of internal movement of people within the national territory;
  •   Limitation of passenger entries at land borders, airports and sea ports, except for reasons of interest to the State, transportation of essential goods and goods by duly accredited operators and health related situations;
  •   Shutdown of commercial activities, or, whenever applicable, reduction of their activity;
  • Inspection of prices of essential goods for the population, including those necessary to prevent and combat the pandemic;
  •   Reorientation of the industrial sector towards the production of inputs needed to fight the pandemic;
  • Adoption of sustainable fiscal and monetary policy measures to support the private sector in addressing the economic challenges of the pandemic;
  •   Introduction of job rotation or other modalities depending on the specificities of the public and private sector; and
  •   Ensuring the implementation of prevention measures established by the Ministry of Health in all public and private institutions.


2.1. Temporary suspension of:

  1. a) Entry visas and visas already issued;
  2. b) Visa suppression agreements;
  3. c) Suspension of issuing of the following documents;
  • Travel;
  • Civil identification;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Land registration;
  • Criminal record;
  • Motor vehicle registration;
  • Registration of legal entities;
  • Driving licenses;
  • title deeds;
  • Licenses; and
  • Fiscal identity cards (NUIT).

It is underscored that official documents are valid and effective until 30th June 2020, even when expired, namely:

Identity Card;

Driving license; and

Temporary visas and identification and residence permits of foreign citizens.


2.2. mandatory quarantine regime – subject to institutional or household mandatory quarantine regime are the following:


  1. a) Patients with COVID 19 and those infected with SARS-COV 2; and
  2. b) Citizens in relation to which the competent health authorities determine a situation of active surveillance.

The violation of the home quarantine could lead to an institutional quarantine, and law enforcement agents may force the offenders to comply.

  1. functioning of public and private institutions – public and private institutions remain in operation, however, the measures to prevent and control COVID 19 must be observed cumulatively, namely:
  2. a) Social distance of at least 1.5 m;
  3. b) Cough etiquette;
  4. c) Frequent hand washing;
  5. d) Disinfection of facilities and equipment;
  6. e) Not sharing personal use utensils;
  7. f) Airing facilities;
  8. g) Reduction of meetings or agglomeration places to a number of 20 people maximum, when applicable, except for urgent State related functioning situations.


The workforce is reduced to a number not exceeding 1/3, in the proportion of service turnover every 15 days.

The reduction of personnel, for the purposes of complying with the previous number, is not to be confused with layoffs, and mechanisms must be adopted to ensure the continuation of work at home, subject to conditions.

These measures do not apply to public officials who hold top management and leadership positions or serve in positions of trust; they remain fully on duty.


  1. The market places and formal shops remain in operation, between 6 am and 5 pm.


Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, on the recommendation of the competent health authorities, formal markets may be closed whenever there is a proven presence of a high risk of contagion.


The managing bodies of markets must create conditions for the observation of  the recommended social distance among traders and between them and customers; they must wear masks.


  1. Recreational, sports, cultural and leisure activities held in public spaces are prohibited. Therefore, the following are shut down:
  2. a) Nightclubs;
  3. b) Gambling places;
  4. c) Bars and tents for alcoholic beverages sales;
  5. d) Fitness centers; 
  6. e) Museums;
  7. f) Libraries;
  8. g) Theaters;
  9. h) Monuments and alike;
  10. i) Etc.


Holding of trade fairs and exhibitions is suspended.


  1. Cults and religious celebrations in their collective dimension are suspended in all places of worship, however, individuals are free to worship at home or in private in strict compliance with the prescribed COVID 19 prevention measures in this decree.


  1. Number of mourners in funeral ceremonies not to exceed 20 (twenty), ensuring compliance with social distance.

Funerals of COVID 19 related deaths must not be attended by more than 10 (ten) people.

Regardless of the cause of death, mourners in a funeral ceremony are required to wear masks.

Cemetery managers must take the necessary measures to comply with the provisions of this article.


  1. Visits to hospitals and clinics:
  2. a) Visits to hospitalized citizens are reduced to a maximum of two people per day for each patient.
  3. b) Visiting patients suffering from COVID 19 is prohibited.


  1. Visits to correctional services are forbidden; the delivery of meals may continue by disinfecting the recipients, within the scope of the COVID-19 control prevention measures.

Continued medical assistance is guaranteed to arrested or detained ill citizens.

The competent bodies must ensure that information is made available to family members about the situation of inmates.


  1. As far as public transport of people and goods is concerned the following should be noted:
  2. a) Moto-taxi and bike-taxi services is prohibited;
  3. b) A maximum of 1/3 passengers is defined simultaneously in collective transport, public or private, in relation to their capacity;
  4. c) Owners of companies or vehicles must guarantee conditions of hygiene and sanitary safety;
  5. d) Violation of the provisions of this article by private service providers may determine the seizure of the vehicle;
  6. e) The Ministry of Transport and Communications must take the necessary and appropriate measures to guarantee the transport services of people and essential goods, providing for land, sea and air transport, as well as the maintenance and functioning of essential infrastructure.

  7. Regarding the intervention of the defense and security forces, these can be called upon to ensure compliance with the prevention and control measures of COVID 19, to enforce the State of Emergency. 
  8. It is determined the civil requisition of doctors, nurses and other health personnel outside the National Health System. Exception to this provision are; doctors, nurses and other health personnel, particularly vulnerable to the COVID 19 pandemic. 
  9. For the media:
  10. a) The public and private media remain in operation and must, in the public interest, collaborate with the competent authorities; 
  11. b) The competent management bodies may adopt measures to reduce the number of on-the-job work during the State of Emergency, always safeguarding the provision of essential services; 
  12. c) The competent bodies should, with the recommended regularity, ensure public information on the evolution of the pandemic in Mozambique; 
  13. d) Public and private media should reserve spaces in their schedule to inform about the COVID 19 pandemic, under terms to be defined by the Information Office – GABINFO. 

The country urgently requires the following suppliers:

All medical suppliers for prevention of COVID;


Testing kits




Hand sanitizers,



Basic food commodities to maintain the supply chain in retail and wholesale markets, and in this way ensure price stability.