COUNTRY:                           LIBERIA

DISH:                                     PALM BUTTER

CONTRIBUTED BY:            H.E Lois Brutus, Former Ambassador to SA 



Palm butter

Meat, dry fish, shrimp, etc.

Own choice of seasonings



  1. Place palm nuts in a pot. Cover wit water. Boil 45 minutes or more.
  2. When cooked, remove from stove, drain and pound in a mortar for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the beaten nuts from the mortar and place in a clean bowl. Add a cook spoon of water and stir. Remove the hulls from the bowl, squeezing until no palm water remains. Ensure all hulls have been removed. The palm water must be smooth, with a thick consistency.
  4. Add meat or fish in a pot, boil for 40-45 minutes.
  5. Add the cooked meat/fish to the palm oil and place in a pot.
  6. Add preferred seasonings.
  7. Boil until oil is noticed at the top.
  8. The palm oil is now ready to be served with rice or fufu.