The High Commission of India to South Africa celebrated their 77th Independence Day on the 15 August 2023 at The High Comission in Pretoria.

H.E. Mr Prabhat Kumar thanked Members of the Diplomatic community, Ministers, Dean of the Diplomatic Corp, Military attaches, the South African Defence force and distinguished guests for their attendance.

India has come a long way since gaining independence on 15 August 1947, progress has been in all spheres, India is the largest democracy in the world , India is the mother of democracy. Looking at India’s economic progress India has become the 5th largest economy of the world and is poised to become the 3 largest in the next 5 years.
India is currently the fastest growing large economy, as Prime Minister Modi said,

“India has democracy, demography and diversity to take a leading position in the comity of nations”

South Africa and India have enjoyed 30 years of diplomatic relations. India’s freedom movement was lead by Mahatma Gandhi who’s skills of non violent struggle and protests took place in South Africa. Former president the Honorable Mr Nelson Mandela once said

” You gave us Mohandas Gandhi; we returned him to you as Mahatma Gandhi ”

India and South Africa have a rich legacy of two great men, Gandhi and Mandela, bilateral relations between the countries have strengthened over the years and the two countries are strategic partners. Cooperation at multi lateral forums has been exemplary , this year India precedes over the G20 group of nations while South Africa precedes over BRIC’S. In this context India looks forward to the visit of Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to South Africa to attend the BRIC’S summit.

Minister of communications and digital technologies Mondli Gungubele, conveyed congratulations on behalf of the South African Government to India in celebration of 77 years of Independence.
The relationship between both countries is fundamental and unique and is deeply anchored in a shared history of Friendship and solidarity dating back several centuries and is anchored in common ideals, ideas, interests and icons.

South Africa and India also share a bond in that South African citizens are of Indian decent that form part of the tapestry that is South Africa’s rainbow nation and who have contributed to a rich and developed South African society.
South Africa thanked India for the great success of the last foreign office consultations meeting that was held in New Delhi in August 2022.
South Africa looks forward to hosting the next joint ministerial commission and renewal of the strategic program of Co operation which was signed during the state visit of President Ramaphosa to India in 2019. This is to ensure that Co operation between South Africa and India remains focused on the achievement of prosperity with the citizens of both countries.
It is hoped that the relationship will continue to place emphasis on the economic cooperations of trade and investment as South Africa increases investment, it is critical that South Africa explore cooperation in the development of the digital economy with focus on connectivity and the building of the digital infrastructure, enhancing service networks and establishing a platform economy.

India continues to make deadlines on skill development and capacity building in telecommunications, ICT’s and other ways.

South Africa and India are both part of what is termed a ” Mega builder” of the world. Therefore the recent cooperation between the respective conservation scientists in promoting the protection of endangered species resulted in the production of South African cheetahs to India, such efforts are ground breaking in the scientific field and will facilitate further research on the conservation of endangered species.

Guests toasted to continued progress and growth in India and South Africa and to the prosperity of the people and the continuation of excellent bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Indian cuisine was enjoyed with a performance by the South African airforce band

Happy National Day India!

By Marion Kate