King’s Day, known as Koningsdag in Dutch, is an orange-filled celebration, marking an important national holiday in the Netherlands, commemorating the birthday of King Willem-Alexander on 27th April each year.

The Embassy of the Netherlands in Pretoria celebrated the event on 24th April 2024 at the Residence of H.E Joanne Doornewaard. The occasion was celebrated under the theme “The Netherlands and South Africa: Partners in Innovation and Sustainability.”

The evening was enjoyed by representatives of the Government of South Africa, members of the Dutch community, members of the Diplomatic Corps, and friends of the Netherlands. H.E Ms. Joanne Doornewaard expressed gratitude to all the sponsors for their contributions and highlighted various projects supported by the Embassy in South Africa.

Guests were thrilled to hear about the 50% discount offered by KLM for flights to the Netherlands from Johannesburg and Cape Town for a limited period.

The evening was filled with joy as everyone came dressed in orange to honour the House of Orange (the royal family) in the Netherlands.

by Marion Kate