Koningsdag or King’s Day is a national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Celebrated on 27 April each year the date marks the birth of King Willem-Alexander.

In the Netherlands people participating in the festivities dress in orange from head to toe and proudly wave Dutch flags or paint the small tricolour on their cheeks.

On King’s Day, you will probably notice that almost everyone dresses in orange. This is because the royal family bears the name “House of Orange” (Huis van Oranje) and as a result it has become the national colour.

H.E Mr Han Peters of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Pretoria, South Africa proudly hosted the Diplomatic community, members of the South African government and other guests to a fun filled afternoon.

Netherlands and the Republic of South Africa share the same date. Freedom Day is the commemoration of the first democratic elections held in South Africa on 27 April 1994.

H.E Mr Peter’s notes that more investment needs to be in South Africa as well as Africa.

The guests enjoyed the warm autumn weather while classical music was performed in the background.

Happy Kings day

by Marion Kate